Coordinating a DIY Kitchen Remodel

Starting a DIY kitchen remodel can be overwhelming. There are a lot of things you need to organize. Everything from the cupboards, appliances, handles, to the flooring. However, having a great plan in place can remove some of your stress. 

Here’s how to plan for your remodel:

Determine Your Needs

The Kitchen Showcase can help you envision your new kitchen.

The first step is to determine exactly what you need. Will you need lots of cupboard space? Do you need an island or a breakfast bar? Will you need to leave space for a dishwasher or the dog’s dishes? 

Consider every part of your lifestyle and think about how your DIY kitchen remodel can complement them. 

Define Your Layout

Once you’ve determined all of your needs, create a list of how many of each kitchen component you will need. From here, you can start to piece them together to decide on your layout. 

Decide on the Materials

Next, decide on the materials you want to use throughout your kitchen. Think about your cupboard doors, handles, kitchen counter, and flooring. There are endless options, so shop around and take your time to decide which materials will suit you best and which will look great together in your new kitchen. 

Contact the Professionals

Envisioning your ideas coming together can be difficult. It takes some imagination to picture what your future kitchen is going to look like based on your designs. If you’re struggling and need more advice or guidance for your remodel, contact the professionals. They can offer their expertise and ensure you get the best results possible. 

The Kitchen Showcase can help you visualize all your ideas and coordinate a complete kitchen remodel for your home. If you need help choosing your kitchen cabinets or guidance with the planning and design of your DIY kitchen remodel, contact us today. 

The Most Difficult Part of Remodeling a Kitchen

Remodeling a kitchen can be extremely difficult because it is often the room at the center of your home life. Your kitchen is one of the most used areas in your home and should be just as enticing to look at it as it is to cook and eat your favorite foods. You don’t want to make it too elaborate. But you don’t want it to be unappealing or non-functional.

There are many tricky aspects to remodeling a kitchen. From the style you’re going to adopt to the products you wish to use and the money you’re willing to spend, there are many different layers to remodeling a kitchen. And in doing so, you have to be decisive on how to give it a personal and professional touch.

The style you want for your kitchen comes with a cost.

Choosing the Right Style

One of the most difficult aspects of designing a kitchen is establishing the right style and pattern that fits your initial concept. 

In choosing the styles, materials, and products that will decorate your kitchen, it is important to take into consideration how you use the space. Your lifestyle, personality, and cooking passions should be reflected in the design. Similarly, an aspiring kitchen remodeler needs to recognize that functionality and aesthetics should go hand-in-hand. As much as you want your kitchen to look pretty, it shouldn’t compromise the practicality of your kitchen. 

Coming In on Budget 

It is a running joke that every remodel goes over budget, especially if you have to pay for extra expenses during the renovation process. But it doesn’t have to if you develop a strong plan and work with the right team – experts who will ensure the execution of your kitchen renovation.

Coming In on Time 

Remodeling a kitchen is exciting, but it can be inconvenient to your daily life. When you work with one of our designers, you will understand how seamlessly and efficiently remodels can be completed when you have the right plan in place.

Let’s go through this process together. Check out our gallery for some nifty ideas for your kitchen remodel.

Kitchen Remodel: Where to Begin

A kitchen remodel is an extensive, yet exciting process. It’s the opportunity to stamp your class and personality on one of the most crucial spaces in your home. A kitchen remodel is an excellent opportunity to improve the value of your home. If you nail it, it will help you gain the kind of return you can use to fund your future investments.

But, much like any new activity, starting can be the most difficult part. Do you have your finances organized to do a proper kitchen remodel? Have you settled on the style you want to use for your kitchen? Not only do you determine your new kitchen’s appearance, but you also have to figure out how to preserve some of your current kitchen’s elements as well. So, where to begin?

Evaluate the Old Before Adopting the New

Before you upgrade your kitchen, you must first do a thorough evaluation of your current one. By determining what is wrong with your old kitchen, you can better formulate an idea of what works and what you can eliminate. A self-evaluation is always a great first step towards improving functionality and aesthetics of any environment.

Additionally, you should ask yourself if you are remodeling the whole kitchen or just getting new cabinets and countertops. Be confident and specific in what you’re looking to upgrade, then budget accordingly. And then maintain a dialogue with your contractor throughout the process so as to stay on track and on budget. 

Give Considerable Thought to Your Cabinets and Countertops 

Cabinets and countertops are the largest elements of a kitchen remodel and should be considered thoughtfully. The style, materials, and design of these elements are crucial to your kitchen remodel and can help extract additional value from your renovation. 

If you have any doubts about how to approach these elements, visit a showroom and talk to our experts before making a final decision.

Benefits of visiting a kitchen showroom
Where Should You Start With Your Kitchen Remodel?

The process can be long and arduous if approached incorrectly. Tough decisions are often important decisions and can require professional assistance. At The Kitchen Showcase, we’re always here to help. Learn about how our kitchen remodel process works and check out our gallery for standout designs.

Kitchen Cabinetry that Adds Warmth and Sophistication

The Best Tips to Clean Your Kitchen Cabinets

Getting quality kitchen cabinetry adds so much elegance and personality to your space. Though many homeowners like to incorporate elaborate, glossy designs to make their kitchen cabinetry stand out, simple yet colorful designs also ensure that your kitchen is permeated with endless warmth and sophistication. 

Choosing the right kitchen cabinetry that adds comfort and style will make your home more cozy and inviting to potential visitors. 

What Should You Look For in Cozy Kitchen Cabinetry?

Kitchen cabinetry should use warm and neutral tones.

The quality of your kitchen cabinetry should be the first element you prioritize. If you’re going for your dream kitchen, you should go for one that has the most solid frames, drawer fronts, doors, and corners. Each of which should be supported by high-quality construction. 

Kitchen cabinetry should have a smooth finish on the wood or alternate material that’s used. Similarly, you should aim for the finish to be as natural as possible. A quality contractor can often achieve this with several natural wood finishes that are painted, stained, and laminated onto the material. 

Because you’re constantly interacting with kitchen cabinetry, you will also want to optimize its design and functionality in a way that makes it easier to use every day. 

Kitchen Cabinetry: Colors and Design 

Your kitchen cabinetry should use warm and neutral tones, creating a simple yet elegant design that’s welcoming to anyone who visits your home. If you have a stock cabinet, however, you may have a more limited range of styles to choose from. 

Alternatively, custom cabinets offer more style choices. But the style should perfectly mesh with your home’s architecture as well as your interior design. Good kitchen cabinetry, after all, combines simplicity with panache. Ensuring you get the aesthetic advantages you crave, while also enhancing how your kitchen operates. 

Need help selecting good kitchen cabinetry for your home? The Kitchen Showcase can point you in the right direction. Check out our kitchen cabinetry selections and take a look at our gallery for some classy design ideas.

Adding Comfort and Nostalgia to Your Interior Design

Interior design professionals in Denver

We all love a bit of nostalgia with anything that we do and want to be comfortable while we’re enjoying it. Whether it be music, cars, or your home – comfort and nostalgia are great a combination for inspiration. They create calming and enjoyable spaces, and can even spark your imagination.

Comfort and nostalgia are also two of the leading interior design trends in 2021, creating new and fulfilling experiences for homeowners looking for increased value. Blending these traits make your home more traditional, yet, increasingly modern. 

Comfort and Nostalgia, Interior Design Trends That Blend Well Together

Comfort and nostalgia have been blending well together since 2020. Upticks in nostalgia were noticeable throughout the year due to increased comfort levels for homeowners. Many owners, for example, have brought back 80s style designs as well as décor that leans towards a more traditional direction. This includes sculptural furniture and saturated colors of all kinds. Much like loungewear became the dress code for 2020, the trend of blending comfort and nostalgia has been increasingly incorporated into interior design trends in 2021. 

There’s even a thought that 90s designs will make a comeback, and why not? These interior design trends are good reminders of a good time. And if they make living experiences more comfortable for homeowners, then all the better. 

You vacation home deserves just as much attention as your primary home.
80s and 90s design trends are adding nostalgic yet spacious alternatives for homeowners.

Visit Our Showroom to Combine These Interior Design Elements 

Add comfort and nostalgia to your interior design once you visit our showroom to find cabinetry that combines the best of both elements. Get cabinetry that fits your warm, comfortable and nostalgic vibe, making your kitchen look increasingly elegant – and elevating its appeal along the way. 

Take a look at our cabinetry selections in more detail, and also check out our gallery to see other design options that will bring the best out of your kitchen space.

Making Rustic Design Choices Sophisticated

Rustic Kitchen Design

Learning how to blend warm rustic design choices with sophistication can revolutionize your home experience. By decorating your home with a combination of complementary home decor styles, you can create a space that is as unique as it is inviting. After all, combinations of styles offer something new that can capture the eyes and minds of those who pass through it. 

Rustic design choices have vintage feels to them, but they can be modernized using more sophisticated designs that are tailored to your tastes. 

Rustic Design Choices
Sleek, sophisticated, clean lines of the kitchen cabinetry and design complement the exposed rustic beams and stone walls.

Elevating Rustic Design Choices

Blending rustic design with sophisticated elements is a perfect strategy for country-style homes with interesting rustic architecture and features to blend with modern interior design. Rustic design choices add a comfort level to any space. However, if you want to ensure the success of your renovation, your re-design should be as aesthetically pleasing as it is architecturally sound. 

By mixing rustic design choices with more sophisticated elements, you add more serenity to your country-style home. From the upholstery to the floral arrangements, a rustic design with a sophisticated touch can bring a more natural feel to your home.

Merge the Old With the New 

Balancing old and new styles communicates a combination of both sophistication and homeyness. A good mesh of modern and country chic styles gives you an ideal rustic and modern blend that will pique the interest of every person who enters your home. 

It’s also a good way to rejuvenate your country-style home, adding value to the property and optimizing your living experience for as long as you want to live there. Consider mixing up your rustic design choices in a more modern way. 

Speaking of modern, choose from our collection of cabinets to modernize your home’s look. If you want to see some of our finest work, head over to our gallery to see our wide range of designs.

Interior Design Trends to Incorporate in 2021

Interior Design Trends
Interior Design Trends 2021
Don’t be afraid to include bold, bright colors and patterns in your interior design choices.

This year is filled with a ton of interior design trends that modernize the way we live and style our homes. As people begin to recognize the importance of a safe and comfortable home environment, homeowners are starting to prioritize more investments into their living space. One thing that homeowners are gradually realizing is that now is the time to be bold with their design choices. 

By including bolder colors and patterns, you add more personality to your home. Considering you’ve likely been home more than usual, make your space as attractive as possible to maximize its appeal. These simple interior design trends will help you increase its aesthetic value in the most seamless way possible. 

Bold Interior Design Trends

If there’s one thing that the last year and a half have taught people, it’s that there’s never a better time than now to go all out. Make your home as fun and functional as possible. Typically, people tend to go with conventional wisdom when it comes to their stylistic preferences. Most tend to stay safe and conservative as they try to improve their home’s value and appeal. However, this kind of thinking is becoming outdated. Don’t be afraid to include bold colors and patterns in your interior design strategy as you look to upgrade your home’s appearance. Bold colors may even increase your home value, depending on the buyer. 

More is More!

We’re moving away from minimalistic and modern design as the times evolve and we get used to the new normal we’re living in. Don’t be scared of going with maximalist design choices to greatly enhance your home’s quality. Interior design trends in 2021 lean towards blending styles, colors, textures, and patterns. 

Expanding your horizons and adding more creativity can only serve to make your home experience more fulfilling. 

Take a look at our kitchen cabinet collection for interior design inspiration and schedule a showroom visit!

Inject Personality Into Kitchen Design with Backsplashes

Kitchen backsplash

Your kitchen is one of the most utilized areas of your home. And it should be! But it should also be one of the most aesthetically pleasing areas in your home as well. Whether you’re cooking a meal for your family or merely passing through with visitors while socializing, a kitchen can be a dynamic social area to show off your living space. 

One of the most appealing aspects of kitchen design is a backsplash. By using backsplashes, you add a great amount of color and personality to your kitchen. Backsplashes create a quality backdrop for your appliances while also complementing the rest of your interior design choices.

Your kitchen design is one of the first things that stand out to prospective buyers. Sometimes one great kitchen is all it takes to move the needle on your property value. 

Backsplashes Add a Visual Focal Point to the Kitchen 

Kitchen cabinets
Backsplashes showcase the creative side of a home.

Backsplashes give your kitchen an instant visual element, making it the first noticeable thing people see when they walk around your kitchen. Backsplashes are vital to kitchen design, allowing homeowners to flex their creative muscles. You can opt for traditional, modern, or contemporary backsplashes to compliment your kitchen design. They also come in stone, glass, and ceramic materials. They even have different size and shape ranges – adding an additional functionality to your home environment. 

What Else Do Backsplashes Offer?

Not only do backsplashes provide great kitchen design benefits, but they also protect your walls from spills and other messes. Backsplashes, for example, are great safety nets for whenever the food on your stove splashes out of the pan. 

Using non-porous materials, backsplashes can considerably reduce stain risks by preventing liquid penetration through their surface. Backsplashes also eliminate hard to remove stains that can take forever to clean. Add that to the list of aesthetic benefits, and you have an attractive design piece that enhances your kitchen design.

While you’re looking into getting a good backsplash, check out our cabinet selections or schedule a visit to our showroom.

Interior Design Trends: What Every Home Needs in 2021

Interior design trends

Homeowners are becoming enticed by interior design trends that cater to the new normal we live in. Countless people have been forced to work from home while also adjusting their daily routines. For that reason, many folks have been forced to adjust their image of an ideal home.

Homes, for example, are becoming increasingly multifunctional, enabling us to perform both outdoor and indoor activities from the comfort of our home. Every home needs to be adaptable in 2021, and these interior design trends will point you in the right direction. 

Every Home Needs a Bar and Gym 

Interior Design Trends
Double up your expanded office space into a classroom for added convenience.

Before the pandemic, you could easily hit up the local bar on a Friday night or head to the nearest gym for your daily workout. Thanks to the new normal, you have to be more careful anytime you’re heading to either of these places as crowds begin to re-gather. 

Fortunately, you can save yourself the trouble by bringing the bar and/or gym to your home. You can opt for a mini-bar or get a more elaborate bar that meets your décor needs and fits your space. Additionally, with spending on home fitness equipment jumping over the past year, building a home gym may save you from spending mountains of money on unused membership fees. It also makes things more convenient for you, especially after a long workday. 

How About a Bigger Office Space?

Working from home could be here to stay for the long-term, at least in some form. So, why not catch up with the latest interior design trends by expanding your office space? You upgrade it to increase your comfort levels and productivity. And, you can also transform it into a bedroom or playroom, depending on the situation. If you’re going to continue being at home so often, you might as well make the most of it!

Shop for the Latest in Interior Design Trends

Another one of the interior design trends to keep in mind is custom cabinets, countertops, and built-in storage units. Schedule a showroom visit right away.

Essential Bathroom Design Elements

A relaxing, spa-like bathroom design has as much to do with a feeling as it does with the actual fixtures and materials in the bathroom. The goal is to create a tranquil space where you can soak away the day’s worries and concerns. Keeping some design elements in mind will help you make this dream oasis become a reality. 

The goal is to create a tranquil space where you can soak away the day’s worries and concerns.

Bathroom Design Essentials

To create a clean and tranquil atmosphere means providing storage areas for commonly used items. A bathroom design that incorporates smart storage solutions will have a place for everything. By hiding away things in cabinets and drawers when they are not being used, you can create a clutter-free zone that is elegant in its simplicity. This simplicity is ideal when you need a calm and soothing environment. 

Function and Style

It is possible to blend function with style so that you get a bathroom that looks great while also being as functional as possible. 

A relatively small space like a bathroom is great for splurges that you wouldn’t do in other areas. This could be upgrading the shower walls to large stone tiles, or getting a rain showerhead installed, or splurging on the floor-mounted bath taps that you saw in a showroom. 

Depending on the size of the bathroom, you could make the bathtub a feature element by placing it at one end of the room under a window.  

When it comes to bathtubs, there are many options, from budget-friendly options to absolutely extravagant options that cost more than some cars. 

The vanity, where the sink will be held, is another consideration and an option to show off your personal style. For the antique lover, a repurposed washstand with a vessel sink may be the perfect thing. A modern design fan may prefer a floating vanity with a concrete wedge sink. 

Ready to start planning your bathroom project? Schedule a showroom visit today.