Kitchen Disinfection Tips: How to Clean and Disinfect Wooden Cabinets Safely

Getting your kitchen clean and disinfected isn’t as hard as it may seem – all you really need to do is follow a few easy steps. And with these kitchen cleaning tips, you’ll be able to clean and disinfect your wooden cabinets safely, without any damage to them! Follow these simple instructions and get ready to enjoy a sparklingly clean kitchen in no time!

Steps to Disinfect and Clean Your Kitchen Cabinets

Cabinets are made of wood and so there are different ways that they need to be cleaned. It is important to follow these steps to keep your cabinets looking good as new!

Wash With Warm Soapy Water

Kitchen cleaning tip to keep your kitchen nice & neat.

First, wipe down all surfaces with a damp sponge or cloth. 

Use Vinegar

Wooden cabinets are susceptible to damage from bleach and ammonia, so don’t use these chemicals when cleaning. Instead, try a natural option like vinegar. One way is to mix water and vinegar in equal parts in a spray bottle. You can use this on the kitchen  cabinet doors, shelves and drawers. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing with a clean cloth. If there are any stubborn stains or odors, add some lemon juice or baking soda as well.

Dry it Well

Wooden cabinets are a natural material, so they’re not immune to mold and bacteria. After you have sprayed your cabinets, make sure to dry the cabinets thoroughly with a lint-free cloth or paper towel.

Ventilate Your Kitchen

Ventilate the room after spraying by opening windows. You will want to open windows, turn on fans or switch on an exhaust fan until all traces of vinegar smell have dissipated (typically around 20-30 minutes). 

Need more kitchen disinfection tips or are you in need of a complete kitchen renovation? Get in touch with us today at The Kitchen Showcase or come into our showroom for inspiration!