Where Are Kitchen Design Trends Heading?

Interior Design Trends

Kitchen design trends have changed dramatically in the course of a few decades. When your grandmother was in the kitchen, every appliance had a place and stayed in that place, period.

Your parents probably had a more modern kitchen with some appliances that had more than one function, but it wasn’t an embarrassment if guests arrived unexpectedly.

Trends have skyrocketed recently, and many homeowners mull over whether or not to take a chance on trendy kitchen design.

Where Are Kitchen Designs Trending?

Today’s kitchen trends point towards something we call “grandma chic.” This is where rustic, traditional elements combine with modern amenities.

Many homeowners are going back to a busy backsplash and wallpaper for their kitchen walls, where it is harder to notice the occasional splatters from cooking.

There’s also a movement towards minimalism in kitchens which makes everything about function rather than form. In this design, there are no wasted steps or extra appliances to take up space.

Kitchen design trends may change in the future, however, so it’s a good idea to prepare for whatever comes next.

What Can We Look Forward To?

Bold colors, oversized sinks, and clever storage are just a few elements to consider with new kitchen design trends.

There are a few things to look out for with kitchen trends:

1. Customized Colors

People will be creating their own signature color for cabinets, giving each kitchen a unique look and feel.

2. Being Bold with Color

Additionally, homeowners will be getting more daring with their choices of bold, solid colors in the kitchen. This also includes using multiple colors throughout the kitchen.

3. Incorporating Storage for Technology

We’ve already started to see this trend, but it will become even more popular. Appliances are getting smaller, gadgets are becoming obsolete faster, and kitchens are becoming less cluttered by including hidden storage for technology.

4. Oversized Sinks

Whether it’s a vessel sink or a single oversized sink, people are looking for ways to maximize the space in their kitchen. Sinks are getting larger to give way to multiple functions and provide more elbow room when preparing meals.

Don’t Miss Out

Kitchen design trends are changing rapidly, so it’s important to prepare for future possibilities. Homeowners are becoming more daring with color choices, customizing their signature cabinet color, and maximizing space with oversized sinks.

Contact us at The Kitchen Showcase to help you with your kitchen redesign. Whether you need to install cabinets or want to replace sinks, we’ve got the perfect solution for you. Our team will make sure you don’t miss out on these trends!

Finding the Right Neutral Colors for Your Kitchen

In today’s kitchen, we have a lot of options for color. From neutrals to bold hues, there’s a color to suit everyone’s tastes and styles. But sometimes, it can be difficult to pick one color over another. With neutral colors, there is no right or wrong choice. Instead, it’s about finding the right balance or harmony. Here are some suggestions for the right colors to consider for your kitchen, including kitchen cabinets, along with some ideas for how to incorporate them into your organization and design.

Neutral Color Tones Are Always Safe

The kitchen is often one of the most highly visual areas of the home. That’s why neutral colors can be so helpful in making a space feel larger and more open. Choosing neutral colors means you have fewer limits on what you can use for your space. There is a reason why neutral color tones are popular for the walls and kitchen cabinets — they are simple and sophisticated. Neutral colors can accentuate other pops of color you choose, such as for the décor. The base tone of the neutral color you choose will make the kitchen feel warmer or cooler.

Neutral tones are always the safest option when it comes to kitchens.

Finding the Right Neutral

For finding the perfect neutral for your kitchen, consider what other colors are present in your kitchen or home. Decide whether you want to paint your kitchen cabinets for a more solid neutral color, or stain kitchen cabinets to allow for some natural wood grain to shine through (which adds extra texture and rustic vibe, whereas paint is more modern and sleek). Don’t forget about your countertops when choosing a neutral for your kitchen cabinets. It’s important to match tones in countertops, especially if you are going for a natural stone or quartz countertop.

Schedule a showroom visit at Kitchen Showcase today.

Choosing Your Feng Shui Kitchen Color, Part 2

TKSI traditional kitchen portfolio Nicholas customs

During November, we have dedicated our blog to show people how to get started in the mystic world of Feng shui as we learn easy tips on how to apply this Asian knowledge and technique when designing your new kitchen.
Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China, it is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy.
Feng means wind and Shui means water. In Chinese culture wind and water are associated. Last week, we discussed Feng Shui principles and meaning, and different techniques that will help you arrange your Kitchen or any other space in your home in a healthy way.
On our last post we discussed how to choose the color of your Feng Shui Kitchen and everything else in Feng shui, is determined by the Kitchen’s location.
Last week, we went over the south, southwest, west and northwest locations and which color could be applied in order to balance the kitchen’s energy. Today, we are going to discuss, the 4 locations left.

Chinese Horoscope and AstrologyNorth Area Kitchen

Feng shui bagua area: Career & Path in Life
Western bagua location: lower center
It is important to balance your kitchen’s water element and keep it happy when it is in the North area. In these cases, blue, black, gray and white, work well on it. Nonetheless, you need to keep the fire element of the kitchen strong, so avoid abusing of these colors.
Black kitchen colors can be used to attract power to your home, which can be associated with wealth. Blue kitchen colors work well with brown and green tones in modern wallpaper patterns, wall tile and painting, attracting peaceful and pleasant changes.
Try to find a good visual balance between Water and Fire colors with the emphasis being on blue, black, gray and white colors. The metal element is usually an excellent balancing point for a North area kitchen in both it’s colors – white and gray.

Northeast Area Kitchen

Feng shui bagua area: Spiritual Growth & Cultivation
Western bagua location: lower left
Kitchens in the Northeast area share the same Earth element as a kitchen in the Southeast area, therefore, they are easy to work with. Remember you can use strong reds and yellows. So, feel free to have as many intense colors as you want. Also, bring an abundance of Earth element decor and colors; avoid the color black.

East Area Kitchen

Feng shui bagua area: Health & Family
Western bagua location: mid left
In this area, is important not to abuse element of metal or fire. Otherwise, they might damage the energy from Wood element  of this bagua area. Try to focus on the Earth feng shui element. Brown and green kitchen color shades and combinations are symbols of health and vitality.
Natural wood kitchen cabinets, dining furniture and decorating accessories, combined with green curtains, upholstery fabric, towels or utensils, attract abundance, wealth and prosperity. Choose soft and earthy greens to help create a relaxing space. A living plant or two can enhance these earthy tones.
Avoid too much black, blue, as well as white and gray colors.

Brian 2Southeast Area Kitchen

Feng shui bagua area: Wealth & Money
Western bagua location: top left
A Southeast area kitchen requires the same attention as the one in the East as they both share the same element – Wood. So, feel free to use as much Wood element decor and colors as you wish.
The element of Earth brings stability with comfortable brown kitchen colors, natural wood tones of kitchen cabinets and dining furniture, golden, beige and pleasant yellow wallpaper patterns, wall tiles or paint colors.
Displaying plants, fruit and vegetables, as well as fresh herbs or flowers are excellent ways to boost the earth energy and attract abundance and wealth.
These four plus the other four locations from our previous post, are all the possible locations you can place your kitchen and the colors you can apply to balance its energy.
So far, we already know where to place our kitchen, where it should be facing, as well as how to calculate your Kua number, and how to select the correct color to balance its energy.
On our following post, we will discuss which appliances your kitchen should have and where to place them, to keep well-balanced your feng shui kitchen.